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Step by Step Research & Writing
Why the Step by Step Approach?
Step 1 - Getting Started - preparing for the assignment and getting ready to choose a topic
1.1 Understand the assignment
1.2 Consider the process you'll use
1.3 Set deadlines for each step of the assignment
1.4 Think about possible topics
1.5 Info Search - browse, read, relax
1.6 Relate your prior experience and learning
1.7 Jot down your questions and ideas about possible topics
1.8 Brainstorm, alone and with others
Scheduling Your Project - a worksheet to print out

Step 2 - Discovering and Choosing a Topic - reading to become informed
2.1 Info Search - read for overview of various topics
2.2 Continue thinking and jotting questions and ideas
2.3 Info Survey - what print and electronic resources are available?
2.4 Try different topics on for "size" - see how they fit

Step 3 - Looking for and Forming a Focus - exploring your topic
3.1 Info Search - exploring your topic
3.2 Info Search - preliminary note taking
3.3 Purposeful thinking about possible focuses
3.4 Forming a focus or combining themes to make a focus

Step 4 - Gathering Information - which clarifies and supports your focus
4.1 Info Search - finding, collecting and recording
4.2 Think about clarifying or refining your focus
4.3 Start organizing your notes
4.4 Think about what your thesis statement will be

Step 5 - Preparing to Write - analyzing and organizing your information and forming a thesis statement
5.1 Analyze and organize your information
5.2 Construct a thesis statement and try it on for size
5.3 Weed out irrelevant information
5.4 Info Search - fill in the gaps

Step 6 - Writing the Paper - writing, revising and finalizing
6.1 Think about the assignment, the audience and the purpose
6.2 Prepare an outline
6.3 Write the rough draft
6.4 Know how to use your source materials and cite them
6.5 Have others read and critique the paper
6.6 Revise and proofread

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Info Search
Where's the Information?

Information Found—and Not Found—on the Web
Search Strategy: Getting a Broad Overview of a Subject
Search Strategy: Finding Specific Information

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A+ Research & Writing for high school and college students was created by Kathryn L. Schwartz